La Biblioteca

I Soci in regola con la quota associativa possano usufruire dei testi (in formato digitale e cartaceo) e delle riviste di proprietà del club. I testi oggetto d'interesse possono essere richiesti al Responsabile della Biblioteca che ne illustrerà anche modalità di consultazione e tempi di restituzione.

Responsabile della Biblioteca: Gianluca Covelli.



  1. Aquarium Fishes
  2. A field guide to Pacific Cost fishes
  3. Acquari pesci cichlids from lake Tanganyika
  4. Aquarium - Reef Secrets [A.J. Nielsen - S.A. Fossa]
  5. Animali Pesci(Enciclopedia) Come Costruire E Gestire Un Acquario Base 2006
  6. Aqualog - Killifishes of the world - Old World Killis I pag. 125
  7. Aqualog de killies 2 pag. 85
  8. Aqualog killis III - sudamericanos pag. 166
  9. Aquarium - Mergus - Aquarien Atlas
  10. Aquarium - Natural Reef Aquariums
  11. Atlas fisch Acquarium pag. 1091
  12. Back to nature - Guide to Tanganyika cichlids - Ad Konings pag. 196
  13. Citizens of the Sea pag. 217
  14. Coral Reef Coloring Book
  15. Coral Reef  Fishes
  16. Dr. Burgess's Atlas of Marine Aquarium Fishes
  17. Ebook Hiscock, Peter-Encyclopedia of Aquarium Plants
  18. Ebook - Bassleer, Gerald-Diseases in marine aquarium fish-Causes, Symptomes, Treatment
  19. ebook - Emmens, CW.-Keeping and Breeding Aquarium Fishes
  20. Ebook - James, Barry-A Fishkeeper's Guide to Aquarium Plants
  21. Ebook - Science - Fishes of the World - Wiley
  22. Freshwater Aquarium Models pag. 307
  23. Freshwater Aquariums For Dummies
  24. Freshwater Tropical Fish Profiles 50 Of Your Favourites
  25. Goldfisch pag. 144
  26. Guida all’ Acquario Mediterraneo
  27.  Handbook Of European Freshwater Fishes
  28. Tropical Freshwater Fish Aquariums pag. 102
  29. Malattie dei pesci d'acquario in tedesco pag 102
  30. Ophidiform fishes of the world
  31. Pathology manual
  32. Reef Fish Identification - Tropical Pacific Fishes
  33. Ecologia-Marina parte-1
  34. Ecologia-Marina parte-2
  35. Saltwater Aquarium Models pag. 289
  36. Saltwater Aquariums For Dummies
  37. Shore Fishes of hawai pag. 242
  38. The Cichlids Yearbook Vol 1
  39. The Complete Aquarium Guide; Fish, Plants, Accessories
  40. The Complete Aquarium Guide
  41. THE REEF AQUARIUM Volume One opt25
  42. THE REEF AQUARIUM Volume Two opt25
  43. A Field Guide to Shells. Atlantic and Gulf Coasts
  44. Algas, decápodos, moluscos, peces, tortugas, aves y mamíferos marinos de Namibia
  45. Algas, moluscos, decápodos, peces, reptiles aves y mamíferos de los mares de Arabia
  46. Biodiversità Mediterraneo
  47. Biologia Marina - R Issel
  48. ADG- Crustacean Diseases
  49. ADG- Finfish Diseases
  50. ADG- Molluscan Diseases
  51. Guida identificazione organismi spontanei acquario
  52. Morphological protocol
  53. Pathology manual
  54. Biology of Fishes 3rd ed - Q. Bone, R. Moore (Taylor and Francis, 2008) WW
  55. Hugge Biogeography
  56. Linee Guida EMAS Piscicultura
  57. Linee Guida Recupero Tartarughe Marine 2013
  58. Magnitude Marine Diversity1
  59. Malacoshare - Herbert & Kilburn 2004 - Field guide to the land snails and slugs of eastern South Africa
  60. MALACOSHARE - Repetto G & al., 2005 - Conchiglie del Mediterraneo
  61. Marin Prot Area 4 Whales
  62. Maturità Sessuale Elasmobranchi
  63. New Approaches 2 Study Marine Mammals
  64. Progetto Carta Natura
  65. Review Meduse del Mediterraneo
  66. The Biology of Sea Turtles, Volume 3
  67. Zoologia - fauna submarina del mediterraneo
  68.  Il pianeta azzurro “Le specie aliene nel Mediterraneo”
  69. MALACOSHARE - 2002 - Le acque marine costiere della Basilicata


  1. A field guide to western reptiles and amphibians
  2. A Photographic Guide to Snakes and Other Reptiles of Southern Africa
  3. Amphibians and reptiles of North Africa
  4. Corn Snakes pag. 53
  5. Frogs and Toads Your Happy Healthy Pet pag. 130
  6. Komodo_The_Living_Dragon pag. 184
  7. Sistematmoleccolubridi
  8. Snake of europe
  9. Snakes ecology and conservation pag. 381
  10. The Anphibians snd reptiles of  state New York pag. 439
  11. The Amphibians 2014
  12. Updated 2014 distribution of  Aeruropa
  13. Threatened Amphibians of the World
  14. Frogs. A Wildlife Handbook (1999)
  15. Anfibi minacciati del madagascar


  1. Grzimek vol 1 animali primitivi
  2. Grzimek vol 2 protostomi
  3. Grzimek vol 3 insetti
  4. Grzimek vol 4 pesci
  5. Grzimek vol 5 pesci
  6. Grzimek vol 6 anfibi
  7. Grzimek vol 7 rettili
  8. Grzimek vol 8 uccelli solo tavole
  9. Grzimek vol 8 uccelli
  10. Grzimek vol 9 uccelli
  11. Grzimek vol 10 uccelli
  12. Grzimek vol 11 uccelli
  13. Grzimek vol 12 mammiferi
  14. Grzimek vol 13 mammiferi
  15. Grzimek vol 14 mammiferi
  16. Grzimek vol 15 mammiferi
  17. Grzimek vol 16 mammiferi
  18. Grzimek vol 17 indice
  19. The Prokaryotes - A Handbook on the Biology of Bacteria 3rd ed [Vol 2] - M. Dworkin, et al., (Springer, 2006)
  20. The Prokaryotes - A Handbook on the Biology of Bacteria 3rd ed [Vol 6] - M. Dworkin, et al., (Springer, 2006)
  21. Gemme e Minerali
  22. Malacoshare - Herbert & Kilburn 2004 - Field guide to the land snails and slugs of eastern South Africa
  23. Zoologia - Libro - Guia de animales invertebrados de agua dulce (TT Macan 1959)
  24. Animal Camouflague pag. 386
  25. Manual of Small Animal Reproduction and Neonatology pag. 246
  26. Declino Anfibi Riscaldamento Globale
  27. Vertebrados invasores
  28. Atlante vertebrati Rimini
  29. Index of CITES Species-  2013
  30. [Aldine Transaction] Kurtén, 1968. Pleistocene Mammals of Europe
  31. [Acad. Press] Berta et al., 2006. Marine Mammals, evolutionary biology
  32. MALACOSHARE - Red sea shells
  33. Gregorio A. 1885 - Studi su talune conchiglie Mediterranee viventi e fossili (parte 1, 2 e appendice)
  34. Specie e Habitat d'interesse comunitario Rapporto 2014
  35. Where to Watch Birds in Britain 2nd. Edition


  1. Urban Insects and Arachnids - A Handbook of Urban Entomology
  2. Amherst Media - Butterfly Photographer's Handbook A Comprehensive Reference for Nature Photographers
  3. Beetles - An Identification Guide, 1990 (215 pages)
  4. Beetles of Thailand pag. 500
  5. Carter, David - Mariposas diurnas y nocturnas (Omega)
  6. Chinery, Michael - Insectes de France et d'Europe occidentale(2005)
  7. Entomology - A Field Guide To The Insects (Peterson Field Guides) - (Donald J Borror, Robert E White) Houghton Mifflin 1970
  8. Fascinating Insects - Some Aspects of Insect Life pag. 311
  9. Field guide Butterflies & Moths - 240 Common European Species
  10. Field guide of beetles of California
  11. Field Guide To Butterflies Of South Africa
  12. Field Guide To Insects Of Southern Africa
  13. Classificazione Ragni Italiani
  14. Field Guide To The Insects America North of Mexico
  15. Kaefer mitte nordwesteuropas Insetti d'Europa pag. 250
  16. Kaufman Field Guide to Butterflies of North America
  17. Kaufman Field Guide To Insects Of North America- E Eaton, K Kaufman
  18. Michael Chinery Insects of Britain and Western Europe-Revised 2007 Edition
  19. The Butterfly of Australia pag 340
  20. The Complete Field Guide To Butterflies Of Australia - M Braby (Csiro, 2004)
  21. The Complete Field Guide To Dragonflies Of Australia
  22. Guia para la captura y conservacion de insectos (Lorea 2004)
  23. Butterflies and Moths (Golden Guide - American North species)
  24. Field Guide to Butterflies of North America (Brock JP & Kaufman K)
  25. Western Butterflies (Peterson Field Guides - North America)
  26. Guia de animales invertebrados de agua dulce (Macan 1959)
  27. Powell, Jerry A & Opler, Paul A-Moths of Western North America
  28. Butterflies and Moths - D. Carter (Dorling Kindersley, 1992)

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